Thursday, October 7, 2021

Should smoking be banned essay

Should smoking be banned essay

should smoking be banned essay

 · Smoking Essay Conclusion. The Ban on cigarette smoking is a controversial issue in the society we live in today. Not every solution prescribed concerning cigarette smoking will make people’s lives better. The ban on smoking in public will save many lives by reducing the known carcinogens in the air Cigarette Smoking Should be banned in United States Cigarette Smoking should be banned in the United States because it causes significant health problems. Tobacco is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the whole country; also the smoke contains monoxide that reduces oxygen- carrying ability of red blood cells  · Cigarette smoking should be banned. Cigarette smoking has led to increased health concerns even to the nonsmokers. Smoking affects the health of the smokers besides controlling the addict’s habits and expenditures. On the same note, the public health concern is on the rise due to cigarette smoking

Should Smoking Be Banned? | Free Essay Example

Looking for a persuasive essay on the effects or dangers of smoking? Well in this post, I present an essay on why smoking is bad for health.

I will also illustrate how to write the introduction and conclusion paragraph of the smoking essay. Essay on should smoking be banned completely? The answer is here below.

This is the introduction paragraph of the smoking essay. With an approximation of about 1 trillion sales from, cigarettes are single-most traded products in the world. Over the years, smoking cigarettes in public has been considered to be a very controversial issue. However, many people are unaware of the ban on smoking cigarettes in public places.

People are also not aware of the effects of smoking in these public places and why it is important to solve this issue of smoking cigarettes in public places. During his short reign as Pope, Urban VII gave out the first smoking ban in Anyone who was caught chewing or smoking tobacco near a church was excommunicated.

It was until the twentieth century when people started realizing the health effects of chewing or smoking tobacco. At this point in time, cigarettes started providing a separate smoking location for smokers. This was a measure taken so as to reduce exposure of non-smokers to the dangers of smoking. California was the first state to issue a smoking ban in restaurants in the s. Cities around the world started practicing the smoking ban, particularly in public places since then.

In fact, more than 30 states have low that forbid people to smoke in public places. Within the last decade, the regulation on smoking in public places has become a top priority for people to have a strong opinion on this issue Wing et al.

As many people begin to feel that smoking in public places to be right, others feel that smoking has put society and the economy at risk. In the present society, many people are affected by cigarette smoking in public places. Smokers feel that the ban on smoking in public is an action aimed at away their rights. For those who feel they have freedom, they smoke wherever they want.

Almost On the other hand, non-smokers feel that their rights are violated through the public smoking of cigarettes. Therefore, non-smokers choose to be healthy as they can by not inhaling the carcinogens in cigarettes in pipes and cigars. By not smoking, non-smokers do not infringe on the health of smokers when they are in public places. Medical studies have revealed that smoking does not only affect the health conditions of the smoker but also of those people around them. As a result, many people feel that the ban on public smoking would serve the best interest of both the smoker and the people around them Wing et al.

Should smoking be banned essay, many people advocate for the ban on smoking in public places. Although in recent times there has been a wide argument over this matter, I strongly agree there is a need to effectively cab the smoking in a public area. Over the years, smoking has been known to be the leading course of death.

Each year cigarette smoking is known to kill up to about half a million people in America alone. To add to that, many more people suffer from cigarette smoking-related illnesses due to exposure to secondhand smoke. However, there are others that people often do not seem to realize. Whether one is a smoker or not, it is important to know what effects cigarette smoking has on an individual Meyers et al, should smoking be banned essay.

The most common are heart disease and lung disease. Smoking has serious effects on the proper functioning of the lungs when carbon monoxide replaces the oxygen we breathe Wing et al. Damaging lung tissues, carbon monoxide impairs the ability of the lungs to take in oxygen. Improper functioning of the lungs leads to a lung disease that eventually may lead to lung cancer when not controlled.

When smoking, the rate of heart bits raise and does not return to normal unless the smoking is stopped. Consistent smoking increases blood pressure which in turn leads to heart disease. Smoking virtually causes problems in all aspects of the reproductive system of a woman, should smoking be banned essay.

A woman who smokes is subject to having difficulties when conceiving, experiencing earlier menopause. Women smokers cannot respond to infertility treatment. They also are at greater risk of having vulvar and cervical cancer Dechanet et al Some of the effects related to the female reproductive system may include: reduced fertility, should smoking be banned essay, menstrual cycle irregularities such as menstrual cramps and the absence of menstruation, their menopause come one or two years earlier, cervix and vulva cancer.

Smokers aged above 35 years, take contraceptive pills. Therefore, they should smoking be banned essay at a high of heart attack and stroke.

The smoking of cigarettes is commonly associated with an increased rate of infertility. Infertility for women who are attempting to be pregnant for the first time is referred to as primary infertility while for the women who have been previously pregnant is referred to as secondary infertility. Smoking women respond poorly to in vitro fertilization Dechanet et al Therefore, they have a high-risk miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy usually occurs when eggs implant and begin and grow should smoking be banned essay the fallopian tube and outside the uterus. Smokers not only harm their own health but also the health of people around them, should smoking be banned essay. Children, whose parents consistently smoke at home, have high chances of developing respiratory should smoking be banned essay and diseases.

These mainly affect infants whose respiratory systems have not fully developed. Medical practitioners and researchers have confirmed that the lung tissues of young children are weaker. Young children are always subjected to respiratory complications when subjected to cigarette smoke. Therefore, the younger the child, the more severe the effect with the increasing dose of exposure Wing et al. Most people tend to forget the financial effect of smoking. For instance, with these tough economic times, fuel prices have reached a high of 5 USD per gallon, should smoking be banned essay.

Cigarette industries have to make up for the increasing cost. Therefore, if a person smokes a pack of Pall Mall cigarettes a day, it will cost up to about 5 USD. These translate to a total of 1, USD per day Should smoking be banned essay et al. This is a huge amount of money to waste on cigarettes and can, therefore, be used to something better to improve the life of an individual better than smoking.

There are many reasons for the need to ban the smoking of cigarettes in public areas. The ban should smoking be banned essay public smoking appears to significantly reduce the risks of heart problems, particularly to non-smokers and younger individuals. Researchers have found out that, the ban on smoking in public places can reduce the number of heart attacks by 26 percent.

According to David Mayer, the low breathing of cigarette smoke can increase the risk of a heart attack. Theoretically, this ban can also help in the reduction of emphysema and lung cancer.

These are diseases that develop more slowly the heart attack. Interestingly, the public smoking ban has a stronger effect on the reduction of heart attacks in women than in younger individuals.

The Ban on cigarette smoking is a controversial issue in the society we live in today. The ban on smoking in public will save many lives by reducing the known carcinogens in the air. Legalizing smoking in public places ban will greatly improve the health of millions of people affected by cigarette smoking without their knowledge.

With these negative effects should smoking be banned essay have on both smokers and the people around them, there is a need for governments to set up a law that prohibits people from smoking in the public.

These institutions should also be set up to educate the public on should smoking be banned essay dangers of not only smoking in the public but also the adverse effects that smoking has on their bodies. You must be logged in to post a comment. Smoking Essay — Should Smoking be Banned Completely?

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Smoking Should Be Banned Essay In English -- Essay on Smoking Should Be Banned in Public Places

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Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned? Essay - Words | Bartleby

should smoking be banned essay

 · Cigarette smoking should be banned. Cigarette smoking has led to increased health concerns even to the nonsmokers. Smoking affects the health of the smokers besides controlling the addict’s habits and expenditures. On the same note, the public health concern is on the rise due to cigarette smoking Cigarette Smoking Should be banned in United States Cigarette Smoking should be banned in the United States because it causes significant health problems. Tobacco is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the whole country; also the smoke contains monoxide that reduces oxygen- carrying ability of red blood cells  · I, therefore, think that smoking should be banned because of some reason. One reason why smoking should be banned is that it has got several health effects. It harms almost every organ of the body. Cigarette smoking causes 87% of lung cancer deaths and is also responsible for many other cancer and health problems

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