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Psc scholarship essay

Psc scholarship essay

psc scholarship essay

 · Psc scholarship essay. PSC Scholarship holders are exposed to and equipped with the values, skills, and perspectives to better serve Singapore and Singaporeans through various development programmes. Read More; Testimonies. Find out what PSC Scholarship holders have to say about their scholarship journeys · This makes the issue of a PSC  · Scholarship Essay Psc. 28/05/ · Psc scholarship essay >>> click to continue Ap english 11 sample essays Essay about the importance of dramatic arts in schools activity requires self control and discipline that will serve the student well in all aspects of life. 07/04/ · Psc scholarship essay >>> click to continue The prince machiavelli thesis According to the america  · PSC Scholarship: Yes, Maybe, No. July 4, August 9, I write this so that, years down the road, I can remember my exact state of mind when making this choice that had a bearing on how I choose to lead my life. It’s arguably the most monumental decision I’ve had to make in my brief 19 years of blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

PSC | PSC Scholarships

I write this so that, years down the road, I can remember my exact state of mind when making this choice that had a bearing on how I choose to lead my life. This is a raw, honest, reflective account that is ultimately personal. The question haunted me in the empty dining room.

My table was a realm of spilling notes, mockingly optimistic highlighters, and the ticking tension of dwindling hours. But this revision orbit was like a vacuum in time — it balanced on the pinpoint of desire for straight As but easily took over my life; yet, it was peripheral to all achievements and sufferings of mankind.

My stress levels had overshot the mark and I was suddenly aware of how laughably trivial this entire endeavor was. I was having a crisis, in the twilight weeks of Septemberright before my Preliminary Exams.

I had questioned myself on what I wanted to do with my life at many junctures. But the answer I had gripped tightly in my hand for years now paled in the face of an expanding abyss of disillusionment. I want to give back to my country by joining the civil service.

My mind clamored for some sort of meaning behind that. It rang hollow. To be very honest, my dreams have taken strange turns and detours and roundabouts. I wanted to be a writer for years, before deciding to be a lawyer when I was Sometime in my secondary school years, before I knew it, my dreams had shifted in one direction — to be a civil servant, specifically, a foreign service officer.

In retrospect, it was so widely endorsed by everyone who heard that I never bothered to think too hard about it. I had a lot of other dreams that ebbed and flowed over the years. To excavate the stories of obscured histories and marginalized peoples, to question assumptions and drive action with cultural understanding, to be a cartographer of the heart… These dreams were nebulous, without the reassuring sturdiness of an occupationally safe and established aspiration, psc scholarship essay.

The society feeds us words through which we filter our beliefs and experiences. Cloaked in those other dreams, I had felt insecure and adrift. I received a thick package in the mail on a warm February morning this year. Thank you for applying for a PSC scholarship and for considering a career in the Singapore Public Service. I thought about what will probably be a sufficiently fulfilling career in the Public Service, psc scholarship essay, playing a psc scholarship essay in protecting, building and advancing the potential of this magical country that has given me so much.

I thought about what everyone, most of all my parents, expected me to be. I thought about my hefty college tuition fees that the scholarship would cover and the calculated comfort of a firm 6-year job offer. It is dangerous to avoid difficult questions or even answerless ones. What is a life worth living? Right now, I say this: a life worth living is a well-examined one. That means to interrogate and to interpret my psc scholarship essay behind psc scholarship essay choice and what I truly want from life.

To ask, psc scholarship essay, self-aware, why this, but not that? To seek to not lose sight of what gives me meaning. I had thought very carefully about the prospect of a 6-year bond in the Public Service, or what might even turn into decades there. My thoughts had unwittingly crept towards the whimsical idea of writing a novel in my free time, in anticipation of one day when I would finally have the money or the opportunity to delve wholeheartedly into creating creative content.

Why this winding, circuitous path filled with digressions towards my keenest dream? Let me admit this: I was cowardly. I wanted to leave as many doors opened as possible — to have the financial security of a formulaic career while dabbling in the unpredictable.

Psc scholarship essay did not want to break free from the habitual momentum of being on a smooth-sailing path that will lead me to conventionally defined success. Call me risk-averse or afraid of failure. All these labels were spot-on. It was very telling by the direction of my thoughts that I sought to postpone my dreams of writing and that I saw a public service career as a safety net that might enable my dream, not as a true calling. After all these reflections, my true ambition did not grow more apparent to me.

But being painfully honest with myself revealed to me that right now it for sure was not the public service. It is most admirable and also what I aspire to do. The logical extension of this is to then ask: How can I create the most value for the society? In an ever-changing world, there exists a limitless array of callings for each of us.

But, why is it that most of us, by a certain age, begin to subconsciously gravitate towards one rote path? Why is the widespread mentality that we can only give back to the country if we are in the civil service? I do deeply admire those working in the civil service who find it their true calling in life. But I wonder how many have lost sight of their true ambitions, trapped by their yearnings for what is financially secure and what society deems prestigious. And I do also ponder about those, bound to the words they signed on a page at 19, who feel their dreams slowly die in the claustrophobia of bureaucracy and who, in their thirties, settle with resignation and listen to their souls heave a sigh at the opportunities that they are too tired to fight for.

What we do inevitably alters the fabric of who we are — we are the sum total of our choices; every choice to postpone a dream might just mean that you drift further apart from it. Interestingly, one argument that won my parents over was the fact that Singaporeans are the only ones who are confronted by an abundance of safe, prestigious options.

The existence of lucrative government scholarships in Singapore has fostered a unique situation: many Singaporean youths are fearful of taking a psc scholarship essay trodden path. An unprecedented number of top students choose to be civil servants when they could have become entrepreneurs, artists, mathematicians, scientists, writers, innovators, public intellectuals in civil society and whatnot. Nowhere else in the world do other youths our age have such an option of immense security.

So, how can Singaporean youths be less risk-averse when the opportunity cost of risk-taking is so big? I admit that uncertainty is daunting, but it is the inescapable truth of life. We all constantly face the looming void of blank, psc scholarship essay, unwritten next chapters. But uncertainty also means freedom.

Freedom to not have your life figured out at the age of 19, freedom to explore every dimension of you, freedom to mold your sense of purpose with the pressing challenges of our era, freedom to experiment with failure and learn how to not fear it, freedom to shape the trajectory of life with all the new possibilities that psc scholarship essay could not have known of at Freedom to see the world as a young idealistic mind, to stand independent, grow informed, and to psc scholarship essay both the wisdom and the ability to choose, psc scholarship essay.

Value this freedom, psc scholarship essay. Many things in life are far more important than psc scholarship essay sense of security. Value the promise of uncertainty over the comforts of the predetermined. So I choose to tread the path that leads psc scholarship essay to my yet unarticulated dream — I will likely stumble, pick myself up once, twice, again and again, psc scholarship essay, but I keep in heart a powerful reminder: the shortest distance between me and my dream is reliably a psc scholarship essay line, psc scholarship essay, not a constantly deviating path.

So, I embrace the autonomy I now have, and boldly, foolishly move forward with faith. I like funny horoscopes, berries, green milk tea, OSTs, long walks, psc scholarship essay, lyrics that rhyme, love stories, wild histories, psc scholarship essay happy endings on good days, bad days and days in-between : Harvard ' View all posts by Sel.

I agree so much with the many points you made — especially the point on how hard it is to take risks when the stakes are so high, and what the country and the individual lose out in the process when talented individuals are risk-adverse, psc scholarship essay. The many people in the world who make tremendous change and push forward technology, the sciences, and the humanities psc scholarship essay new heights are all risk takers.

As Steve Jobs said, those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do. So happy for you for your freedom! Like Liked by 1 person. Like Like. Good choice. I admire how well you know yourself. I am a risk taker who does not like being restricted, but I took a public scholarship anyway. I and my other scholar friends who were ambitious and were independent-minded ended up being very unhappy, and a lot of us broke our bonds.

I only wish we had your wisdom when we were your age. The shortest distance between me and my dream is reliably a straight line, not a constantly deviating path, psc scholarship essay. 人这一辈子,不是要去换取钱财, 是要来完成自己的梦想, 走自己的路,其他都不值得。 选择自己最喜欢的事, 把它做到极致, 是人生最大的快乐。. Well done! The current set of political masters are not worth your brilliance. All the best in psc scholarship essay days at Harvard. Take the time to explore and learn more things. There are many people exploring career changes at 30 years old.

The dots will connect backwards. All the best for your future. If you are in doubt, psc scholarship essay, reach out to any current scholars and they will be more than happy to share.

This is pure BS. Just because you come from a well to do family that can afford to send you to the USA for your undergraduate course does not give you the bragging rights to reject a scholarship that is meant for brighter students who apply for it to serve the country. In the first place, you should not have even wasted time and resources of the PSC board to evaluate your character if you never have psc scholarship essay aspiration to serve.

You are simply a spoilt brag…. You need to start thinking about your life. I strongly agree with the author for keeping true of her motivations of life. She will go far than calling someone a spoilt brag. And public service is not the only way to serve come on. You must be kidding if you think so. every decision carries its own risks, including choosing to enter the public service.

Actuary Scholarship Essay that got me a $5,000 Scholarship

, time: 4:35

PSC | Apply For Scholarships

psc scholarship essay

I was awarded a PSC scholarship during the early (June) round this year. Feel free to ask me anything about the process/ interviews/ essays etc. I won't be giving you the exact details (can't share that stuff) but I'm happy to share tips and advice! Ps  · Scholarship Essay Psc. 28/05/ · Psc scholarship essay >>> click to continue Ap english 11 sample essays Essay about the importance of dramatic arts in schools activity requires self control and discipline that will serve the student well in all aspects of life. 07/04/ · Psc scholarship essay >>> click to continue The prince machiavelli thesis According to the america  · You can review the eligibility criteria for the PSC and Ministry Scholarships. You will need to provide these required information and supporting documents to complete the scholarship application. 1. Apply. The application comprises the Form, Essay and Documents. The Form would take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete

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