Thursday, October 7, 2021

Persuasive speech on police brutality

Persuasive speech on police brutality

persuasive speech on police brutality

Sep 15,  · The ATC's mission is to further Bentley’s leadership in and strategic focus on the integration of business and technology. We enrich scholarly initiatives and student learning by empowering faculty with state-of-the-art academic, information, and communication resources 1 day ago · Case study on transfer pricing in india, why i deserve this scholarship essay pdf on introduction Essay police brutality. Advice for essay writers crossword. Does essay affect act score how to start a research paper about a career essay about home quarantine experience, essay on patrick henry's speech persuasive essay on genetically modified Jul 21,  · Constructing a policy speech may appear to be very similar to creating a persuasive blogger.comgh it is true that a policy speech is a type of persuasive speech, and many of the rules for persuasive speeches will indeed apply, a policy speech is a very particular type of persuasive presentation, and the speaker needs to be aware of some important

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Although just a rule of thumb, a persuasive speech often can be easily identified by its focus—for example, when the speech advocates a specific action policy or draws a conclusion about relative importance or correctness value or whether a concept is true or false fact. Confusion is more likely to arise when a persuasive speech presents both sides of an issue where facts are in dispute or evidence is controversial.

Such a speech can seem merely informative, particularly to a speaker who firmly believes that one side of the issue is obviously correct. In these cases, the speech should be classified as persuasive based on how controversial this topic is seen by the intended audience given historical and cultural contexts.

What follows is an alphabetical list of potential topic areas, including subtopics where applicable, persuasive speech on police brutality.

Speeches have further been classified as propositions of value Vpolicy Por fact F. In some cases, the proposition shares both value and policy implications. In other cases, the proposition might be seen as a contested fact or as a value to be shared. In these cases, the speech has listed with both V and P or both V and Findicating the potential to argue this proposition both as a proposition of value and as a proposition of policy, or persuasive speech on police brutality a proposition of value and a proposition of fact.

Please note: This list is not meant to replace or contradict any topic guidelines given by your class instructor. When in doubt about a topic, please speak with your instructor to gain approval. All animals should be raised humanely and lead as normal a life as possible before slaughter. Companies should [should not] use animals for testing to prove a product is safe for humans P. There should be a mandatory 6-month waiting period before euthanizing dogs or cats in shelters. The protection of wild horses should be the responsibility of the U.

Fish and Wildlife Service, not the Bureau of Land Management. Congress should pass legislation banning the importation of exotic animals to be sold as pets. Wolves should [should not] be reintroduced to traditional ranges in the Western United States. It is important to act to save the next extinct species e, persuasive speech on police brutality.

International clothing manufacturers should be held accountable for tragedies in textile factories. The government should [should not] lift the ban on offensive words on television and radio.

The United States should fund research on how to make coastal cities more tsunami resistant. The levies protecting New Orleans cannot be sufficiently strengthened to protect the city. The free market solution is [is not] superior to government intervention on economic issues.

Consumers should boycott U. The executive director or CEOs of a corporation should be held personally liable for any corporate negligence or criminal acts. Community college students should be required to complete their degrees before transferring.

Each university and college should offer at least one mass open online course MOOC per semester. Providing laptops to children can [cannot] eliminate the need for teachers and schools in remote areas. Congress should fund research on curricula that integrate online capabilities e. Rambunctious U. children would benefit more from exercise than prescription medications. Overmedication of underperforming or poorly behaving children is related to subsequent violence. Congress should regulate overmedication of underperforming or poorly behaving children to prevent subsequent drug abuse.

Safety restrictions to prevent concussions should be placed on boys under 13 who play football. When elections are decided by just a few votes it should be mandatory that another election be held. Election ID laws should [should not] be implemented to stop alleged voter fraud. Congress should require fracking companies to disclose the ingredients of the liquids they inject persuasive speech on police brutality underground. Congress should enact stronger food inspection legislation for food produced domestically.

Video games should have a provision that enables parents to specify lockout periods times of day or after a designated period of time. Previous reforms of congressional operations have contributed to current congressional gridlock, persuasive speech on police brutality. House congressional districts should be redistricted by independent nonpartisan commissions. Congress should require that all presidential and congressional ballots are the same in all states.

It is more important to accept the results of presidential elections than to fight over their accuracy, persuasive speech on police brutality. The Supreme Court should be subject to the same judicial ethics provisions that apply to all other federal judges.

Congress should train private contractors who will work in war zones and should hold them to the same standards of conduct expected of members of the U. The influence of the military-industrial complex has significantly affected U. foreign policy since World War II. Congress should [should not] enact a national gun registry and close the gun show sales loophole. The second amendment is the most important [least understood] amendment in the constitution V. Medical marijuana should [should not] be accessible to patients who need it e.

Treatment for opiate addiction [drug addiction] should [should not] be free. Congress should [should not] regulate marijuana like it does alcohol or cigarettes, persuasive speech on police brutality.

The United States should implement policies to encourage home care for older Americans whenever possible. Patients at the end stages persuasive speech on police brutality terminal illness should [should not] have the choice to end their lives. Everyone should create documents assigning power of attorney and power of health care. Congress should prohibit mental health institutions from using electroshock therapy on minors.

Health risks from second-hand smoke do [do not] justify smoking bans in public places. Requiring vaccinations against common childhood diseases as a condition of school attendance is [is not] a reasonable public health measure, persuasive speech on police brutality. It is the parent, not the government, who should determine whether or not to vaccinate their child. Congress should grant amnesty to any undocumented immigrant who agrees to serve in the military for 2 years.

The world should impose significant sanctions on Putin and Russia for violation of Ukrainian sovereignty. It should be a crime for the government to pay professional journalists to write positive articles. The First Amendment and congressional legislation should protect journalists who refuse to reveal their sources. All world governments should pay [ refuse to pay ] ransom for the release of kidnapped journalists.

The federal government should [should not] legalize, tax, persuasive speech on police brutality, and if needed offer treatment for the use persuasive speech on police brutality marijuana. All material older than 50 years should automatically be entered into the public domain V P. The United States should [should not] expand mandatory reporting of sexual offenders. Congress should severely limit the allocation of excess military equipment to local police forces. Schools and institutions should use world maps that use the Peter projection, not the Mercator projection.

Brain imaging information should not be used by health insurance companies to calculate future health insurance premiums. Information gained thorough brain imaging an individual [should] should not be used by the authorities to predict the likelihood of future behavior. Brain research should not be used to modify individual behavior without their consent, persuasive speech on police brutality.

The medical community should focus on developing individually tailored screening programs. Hip hop is [is not] sexist and does [does not] cause violence. V and F. The Bureau of Indian Affairs persuasive speech on police brutality account for funds appropriated for Native American tribes.

The U. government should compensate Native American tribes for breaches of treaties and laws. Preference should be given to deaf and blind prospective adoptive parents when deaf and blind children are up for adoption. The government should [should not] strictly enforce the prohibition against tax-exempt religions actively participating in partisan political activities.

The United States should increase funding for telerobotics research persuasive speech on police brutality. The United States should limit the development of advanced artificial intelligence AI and associated AI technologies. The United States should form an international coalition to research techniques for diverting incoming asteroids, comets, and other threatening projectiles. NASA should never again rely on a foreign country to launch U.

astronauts into space. The United States made the right [wrong] choice in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan to end WWII.

The Issue With Police Brutality (Persuasive Speech) :)

, time: 9:09

Persuasive Speech On Racism - Words | Internet Public Library

persuasive speech on police brutality

1 day ago · Essay exercise upsr, argumentative essay on polytechnic education is better than university education, case study mcdonald's and obesity, research paper introduction example mla brutality essay Police cases argumentative essay on the use of cellphones while driving, importance of education essay in english words Sep 14,  · "Hard Truths: Law Enforcement and Race" [FBI Speech] In this speech, Comey addresses the issues of unconscious bias, police brutality, prejudice, and police-community relationships. Video Of Speech (First- and Third-Person Perspective; Speech; Expository; Persuasive) Policy Speech Topics. Sometimes, it’s difficult to conduct a policy speech and we may all need a few pointers. A good clean policy speech is similar to giving a persuasive speech in the way that you have to present a particular side of an argument and use persuasive language to make your point

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