Thursday, October 7, 2021

Oliver cromwell hero or villain essay

Oliver cromwell hero or villain essay

oliver cromwell hero or villain essay

 · In the end Oliver Cromwell can be consider both a hero and a villain due to how Cromwell was before the English Civil War started and after Oliver Cromwell becomes the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth and after he killed so many Catholics, Oliver Cromwell could be consider as a villain and a Tyrant/5(18) Oliver Cromwell was neither a hero nor a villain. The evidence and opinions gathered will state, how he went from good to bad, and from bad to evil. Oliver Cromwell, was a puritan gentleman from Huntingdon. He was born on the 25th of April , and brought up in a very wealthy family, and a high social class  · For some historians such as Thomas Carlyle and Samuel Rawson Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell was a hero of liberty while to some others such as David Hume and Christopher Hill he was a regicidal dictator. But, the controversial vision about this figure is still present in our decade

Oliver Cromwell - Hero or villain? Free Essay Sample

Oliver Cromwell was born in 25 April in a town in England called Huntington. He went to school at Huntington Grammar School then went to Sydney Sussex Collage at Cambridge, oliver cromwell hero or villain essay.

He studied law at Cambridge and then went to London and became the MP for Huntington in and MP for Cambridge in In Parliament, Oliver Cromwell was a strong critic of King Charles the oliver cromwell hero or villain essay and inwhen King Charles the 2nd started the Oliver cromwell hero or villain essay Civil War, Oliver Cromwell started to raise troops and joined the Parliamentary forces, fighting against King Charles the 2nd.

It is in the English Civil War where Oliver Cromwell gains his renown and fame. In the beginning of the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell became a cavalry commander. Even though he had no military experience, he had a good knowledge of horses due to his experience of being a large landowner.

Oliver Cromwell rose thought the ranks really quickly first a colonel inthen inOliver Cromwell became Lieutenant-General of oliver cromwell hero or villain essay Eastern Association Army and in he became Lieutenant-General of the New Model Army. The reason why Oliver Cromwell became such a good cavalry commander is because he knew a well-disciplined army is very important in war.

Oliver Cromwell trained his cavalry to keep together after a charge so the cavalry can charge again and again. The Head of cavalry was Oliver Cromwell and The New Model Army had 22, men who all received proper military training and when the New Model Army went to battle, they were very well disciplined. In The New Model Army, officers were promoted based on how good they were, not their heritage. This is the first time a working class person can become an army officer.

The New Model Army first major battle took part outside the village of Naseby in Northampton shire on 14 June The battle for Naseby was a complete disaster for King Charles the 2nd. King Charles the 2nd complete stock of weapons and ammunition was in the Royalist baggage train, which was captured by the Parliamentarian forces during the battle for Naseby. This is an important fact as King Charles the 2nd could not supply weapons or ammunition to his army and so he could not raise another army strong enough to defeat the Parliamentarians army.

In JanuaryKing Charles the 2nd fled to Scotland where the Scots betrayed King Charles the 2nd and gave him back to the Parliamentarians. Charles was imprisoned in Hampton Court, but in November he escaped and managed to raise another army and convinced the Scots to help him. But in Augustoliver cromwell hero or villain essay, The New Model Army defeated the Royalist army and the Scots. Oliver Cromwell and most of the New Model Army decided to overthrow part of parliament who wanted to disband the New Model Army because they did not get their pay, that part of the parliament believed the New Model Army had too much power and they did not wanted to execute King Charles the 2nd.

In King Charles the 2nd was executed outside his Whitehall Palace. The Parliament passed a series of new laws, oliver cromwell hero or villain essay. The monarchy, the House of Lords and the Anglican Church were abolished and the land own by them was sold and the money was us to pay the wages of the soldiers. People were no longer fined if they did not attend the local church but they were still expected to go to some religious practice. In AugustCromwell and 12, soldiers arrived in Ireland to put down the rebellion.

During the next ten years of bloodshed around one third of the Scottish population was killed or died of starvation. More then half that were killed were Catholic and Oliver Cromwell and his 12, men killed them.

When Oliver Cromwell went back to England, the parliament was still called but it was Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army who were in charged. In December the New Model Army decided to make Oliver Cromwell as England new ruler. The army wanted him to be king but Oliver Cromwell refused and instead took the title Lord Protector of the Commonwealth. However Oliver Cromwell had as much power as the king had.

When the House of Commons opposed his policies inhe closed it down. Now Oliver Cromwell is the king of England in all but name. Oliver Cromwell imposed military rule on England. He divided England into 11 districts with each to be run by a Major General who are just a governor of each districts. The laws in each district are all different to each other. In some districts bear-baiting, cock-fighting, horse-racing and wrestling were banned.

Betting and gambling were also forbidden. Large numbers of ale-houses were closed and fines were imposed on people caught swearing. In some districts, the Major-Generals even closed down theatre In Edward Sexby, John Wildman and Richard Overton were involved in developing a plot to overthrow the government. They were discovered and were forced to flee for their lives.

In Cromwell announced that he wanted his son, Richard Cromwell, to replace him as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth. The English army was unhappy with this decision as Richard did not have any experience. Oliver Cromwell died on 3rd September His son became Lord Protector but in Maythe generals forced him to retire from government. Oliver Cromwell was a hero because he played an important part of showing how important the parliament was and how the king does not always act on people behalf and sometimes act on their own selfish needs and how their lives are similar to other people.

During the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell was considered a hero due to how he commanded the cavalry on the battlefield and his tactics. Oliver Cromwell is also a villain because of how many innocents he and his men killed and as Oliver Cromwell oliver cromwell hero or villain essay Lord Protector of the Commonwealth, Cromwell started to become more ruthless and started to kill anyone in his way.

In the end Oliver Cromwell can be consider both a hero and a villain due to how Cromwell was before the English Civil War started and after Oliver Cromwell becomes the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth and after he killed so many Catholics, Oliver Cromwell could be consider oliver cromwell hero or villain essay a villain and a Tyrant. Oliver Cromwell a Hero or a Villain. com, Sep 11, Accessed October 7, comSep Did you like this example?

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Oliver Cromwell - Hero or Villain?

, time: 8:19

Oliver Cromwell a Hero or a Villain - Free Essay Example |

oliver cromwell hero or villain essay

 · Essay Example. Firstly, In , Oliver Cromwell made one of his most significant contributions to England. It was a highly trained army which overthrew the King during the Civil war, to bring back the parliamentary system. This was the New Model Army. They were equipped with the latest weaponry, armor, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins  · Oliver Cromwell - Hero or Villain Oliver Cromwell was born on 25th April in Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire. Many historians are still battling for the fact that Cromwell is a hero but some are fighting that he is a villain. Cromwell himself said, “Without me England would have drowned in blood” We don’t know yet  · For some historians such as Thomas Carlyle and Samuel Rawson Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell was a hero of liberty while to some others such as David Hume and Christopher Hill he was a regicidal dictator. But, the controversial vision about this figure is still present in our decade

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