Thursday, October 7, 2021

Human evolution essay

Human evolution essay

human evolution essay

The main purpose of this essay is to discuss the human evolution with recent discoveries and how these make life easier and comfortable for humans all over the world. The history of human evolution is basically the development of human being in every race of  · Essay, Pages 12 ( words) Views. There is a theory that humans descended from an earlier, lower form of life. There is an assortment of evidence that shows that all living creatures on Earth descended from a common ancestry. Evolution doesnt discriminate against humans Human evolution is the gradual process in which people, or Homo sapiens, originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence, particularly in the form of fossils and secondary remains, show that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people evolved over a period of approximately six million years

Human Evolution: Short Essay on Human Evolution

Man is a product of evolution. Therefore human evolution is intimately related to the origin of human evolution essay and its development on the face of earth, human evolution essay. But in reality, there are several organisms more primitives than amoeba, say for example viruses. The evolution from a self-replicating organic molecule to a protozoan, like amoeba, is the most complex step in evolution, which might have consumed the same extent of time from protozoan to man.

The term evolution was first applied by the English philosopher Herbert Spencer to mean the historical development of life. Since then evolution denotes a change, although the term may be defined in several ways.

In the beginning, there was nothing. The first successful formation of protoplasm initiated the life and its continuous development proceeded towards complexity to give rise different life forms of evolved type. About 10 billion years after the formation of Universe, the earth was formed. Human evolution essay on earth appeared far late, nearly three billion years ago.

Of the several evolutionary problems, perhaps the origin of life is the most critical, since there is no record concerning it. Life has been characterized by the capacity of performing certain vital functional activities like metabolism, growth and reproduction. There is no ambiguity regarding this point. But how the first life came on earth is a matter of conjecture. Ancient thinkers speculated that life originated spontaneously from inorganic components of the environment, human evolution essay, just after the formation of earth.

A series of physio-chemical processes were perhaps responsible behind this creation. Aristotle BC to BC was the pioneer in this line of thought and nobody raised any voice against his speculation human evolution essay seventeenth Century. But in seventeenth Century, an Italian scientist, Francesco Redi made an experiment with two pieces of meat. One of the pieces was kept fully covered and the other piece was kept in an open place.

After some days he examined both of the pieces very carefully. He noticed that, flies laid eggs on the uncovered piece of meat and so many new flies had born. But the covered piece of meat had not produced any new fly, as there was absolutely no access of flies. Redi tried to establish the fact, that living organisms cannot be originated spontaneously from inorganic components. More or less at the same time, human evolution essay, Leuwenhock — by studying several microorganisms like protozoa, sperm, bacteria etc.

under microscope declared that the spontaneous generation was possible for the microorganisms. Later, Louis Pasteur also studied much to furnish evidences in support of spontaneous creation, human evolution essay.

In fact, scientists of this period were perplexed in finding out how life began spontaneously as a matter of chance. Philosophers, Thinkers and Scientists all had submitted their varied thought and propositions regarding the nature and mechanism of origin of life on earth.

Different religions had also put forth different concepts in this connection. You must be logged in to post a human evolution essay. Your Article Library Home Human evolution essay Main Menu Home Share Your Files Disclaimer Privacy Policy Contact Us Prohibited Content Prohibited Content Image Guidelines Plagiarism Prevention Content Filtrations Terms of Service Account Disabled.

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Human Evolution Essay | Bartleby

human evolution essay

 · Human Evolution. Evolution is the complexity of processes by which living organisms established on earth and have been expanded and modified through theorized changes in form and function. Human evolution is the biological and cultural development of the species Homo sapiens sapiens, or human beings. Humans evolved from apes because of Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Human Evolution: Short Essay on Human Evolution. Article shared by: ADVERTISEMENTS: Man is a product of evolution. Therefore human evolution is intimately related to the origin of life and its development on the face of earth. It is customary to speak of evolution ‘from amoeba to Man’, as if the amoeba is the simplest form of blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins The Evolution Of Human Evolution Words | 5 Pages. Human evolution according to research started over 6 million years ago. The outcome of the evolution process is the current human beings. Scientific studies have revealed over the years a remarkable affinity between the chimpanzees/Apes and human beings

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