Thursday, October 7, 2021

Essay on aids

Essay on aids

essay on aids

Essay on AIDS: Transmission, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment. Article Shared by. ADVERTISEMENTS: This is the most dreaded disease of modern times. The disorder is characterised by a reduction in the number of helper T-cells that activate other lymphocytes, which are responsible for the body immunity system + Words Essay on AIDS. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or better known as AIDS is a life-threatening disease. It is one of the most dreaded diseases of the 20 th century. AIDS is caused by HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which attacks the immune system of the human body. It has, so far, ended more than twenty-nine million lives all over the blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Hiv And Aids: Hiv / Aids Essay. HIV is a latent virus that attacks and compromises the immune system and exposes the body to diseases and infections. AIDS is a disease of the immune system caused by a retrovirus known as HIV that makes the individual highly vulnerable to life threatening infections and diseases such as TB (FANTA, )

Essay on AIDS for School/College Students and Others in Simple language

This essay on aids the most dreaded disease of modern times. The disorder is characterised by a reduction in the number of helper T-cells that activate other lymphocytes, which are responsible for the body essay on aids system.

So in this disease, the destruction of lymphocytes makes the man highly susceptible to different diseases. AIDS was first recognised in USA in It occurs due to Human immune deficiency virus HIV Fig. Most scientists believe that — HIV probably first appeared in man between 40 to years ago. a The contaminated needle or razor blades transmit HIV The intravenous drug abusers are the main victims, essay on aids.

c It is primarily a sexually transmitted disease, which is transmitted through homosexuals and unrestricted sexual behaviour. These symptoms disappear for about months, but the patient remains highly infectious. The HIV test shows positive test. The most common symptom of ARC is swollen lymph glands in the neck, armpits or groin that persists for nearly three months, essay on aids.

It is accompanied by persistent and recurrent fever, cough, cold, flu and diarrhea. Sometimes nervous impairment including loss of memory, inability to think clearly, loss of judgement and depression etc. The appearance of non-life threatening and recurrent infections is a signal for development of full blown AIDS. The full blown AIDS shows severe weight loss due to persistent diarrhea and some opportunistic infections.

The destruction of immune system gives opportunity to some diseases. These are called opportunistic diseases. It is a cancer type disease which occurs in blood vessels, essay on aids. It causes reddish purple, coin-size spots and lesion on the skin.

The infectious secretions of an AIDS patient are semen, cervical secretions, blood and blood products. It is known as hugging social kissing, shaking hands, coughing, sneezing etc. Some drugs like Zidovudine and dideoxy inosine DDI prevents HIV reproduction in the cells. Jonas Salk who developed Polio vaccines have developed HIV-1 vaccines which are found to be effective against experimental HIV-1 infection in chimpanzees.

Though there is strong expectation that vaccines for AIDS will develop essay on aids, yet this disease is now considered as incurable one. Its transmission shows rapidity. It can only be controlled by prevention to save the mankind from destruction.

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essay on aids

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