Thursday, October 7, 2021

Creation essay

Creation essay

creation essay

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In accordance with New York City mandate, all visitors age 12 and older must be vaccinated against COVID Masks are required for all visitors. Ira Spar Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Stories describing creation are prominent in many cultures of the world. In Mesopotamia, the surviving evidence from the third millennium to the end of the first millennium B.

indicates that although many of the gods were associated with natural forces, no single myth addressed issues of initial creation. It was simply assumed that the gods existed before the world was formed. Unfortunately, very little survives of Sumerian literature creation essay the third millennium B. Several fragmentary tablets contain references to a time before the pantheon of the gods, when only the Earth Sumerian: ki and Heavens Sumerian: an existed.

All was dark, there existed neither sunlight nor moonlight; however, the earth was green and water was in the ground, although there was no vegetation. More is known creation essay Sumerian poems that date to the beginning centuries of the second millennium B. It assumes that the gods and the universe already exist creation essay that once a long time ago creation essay heavens and earth were united, only later to be split apart.

Later, humankind was created and the great gods divided up the job of managing and keeping control over heavens, earth, and the Netherworld. Humanity is formed to provide for the gods, a common theme in Mesopotamian literature.

People went naked. They ate grass for nourishment and drank water from ditches. Later, the gods created sheep and grain and gave them to humankind as sustenance. He also created the smaller streams and watercourses, established sheepfolds, marshes, and reedbeds, and filled them with fish and birds.

He founded cities and established kingship and rule over foreign countries. Enki decided that the world had to be well managed to avoid chaos. Various gods were thus assigned management responsibilities that included overseeing the waters, crops, building activities, control of wildlife, and herding of domestic animals, as well as oversight of the heavens and earth and the activities of women.

She in turn roused her son Enki, the god of wisdom, and urged him to create a substitute to free the gods from their toil. Namma then kneaded some clay, placed it in her womb, creation essay, and gave birth to the first humans. Babylonian poets, like their Sumerian counterparts, had no single explanation for creation. Diverse stories regarding creation were incorporated into other types of texts.

Most prominently, the Babylonian creation story Enuma Elish is a theological legitimization of the rise of Marduk as the supreme god in Babylon, replacing Enlil, the former head of the pantheon. The poem was most likely compiled during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar I in the later twelfth century B, creation essay.

At this time, Babylonafter creation essay centuries of rule by creation essay foreign Kassite dynastycreation essay, achieved political and cultural independence. The poem celebrates the ascendancy of the city and acts as a political tractate explaining how Babylon came to succeed the older city of Nippur as the center of religious festivals.

The poem itself has 1, lines written on seven tablets. It opens with a theogony, the descent of the gods, set in a time frame prior to creation of the heavens and earth. At that time, creation essay ocean waters, called Tiamat, and her husband, the freshwater Apsu, mingled, with the result that several gods emerged in pairs.

Like boisterous children, creation essay, the gods produced so much noise that Apsu decided to do away with them. Tiamat, more indulgent than her spouse, urged patience, but Apsu, stirred to action by his creation essay, was unmoved. The gods, stunned by the prospect of death, called on the resourceful god Ea to save them. Ea recited a spell that made Apsu sleep.

He then killed Apsu and captured Mummu, creation essay, his vizier. Ea and his wife Damkina then gave birth to the hero Marduk, the tallest and mightiest of the gods. Marduk, given control of the four winds by the sky god Anu, is told to let the winds whirl. Picking up dust, the winds create storms that upset and confound Tiamat, creation essay. Other gods suddenly appear and complain that they, too, cannot sleep because of the hurricane winds.

They urge Tiamat to do battle against Marduk so creation essay they can rest. Tiamat agrees and decides to confront Marduk. She prepares for battle by having the mother creation essay create eleven monsters.

Tiamat places the monsters in charge of her new spouse, Qingu, who she elevates to rule over all the gods. When Ea hears of the preparations for battle, he seeks advice from his father, Anshar, king of the junior gods. Anshar urges Ea and afterward his brother Anu to appease the goddess with incantations. Both return frightened and demoralized by their failure. The young warrior god Marduk then volunteers his strength in return for a promise that, if victorious, he will become king of the gods.

The gods agree, a battle ensues, and Marduk vanquishes Tiamat and Qingu, her host. As sky is now a watery mass, Marduk stretches her skin to the heavens to prevent the waters from escaping, a motif that explains why there is so little rainfall in southern Iraq. With the sky now in place, Marduk organizes the constellations of the stars. He creation essay out the calendar by assigning three stars to each month, creates his own planet, creation essay, makes the moon appear, and establishes the sun, day, and night.

The myth continues as the gods swear allegiance to the mighty king and create Babylon and his temple, the Esagila, creation essay, a home where the gods can rest during their sojourn upon the earth. The myth conveniently ignores Nippur, the holy city esteemed by both the Sumerians and the rulers of Kassite Babylonia.

Babylon has replaced Nippur as the dwelling place of the gods. Meanwhile, creation essay, Marduk fulfills creation essay earlier promise to provide provisions for the junior gods if he gains victory as their supreme leader.

He then creates humans from the blood of Qingu, the slain and rebellious consort of Tiamat. He does this for two reasons: first, in order to release the creation essay from their burdensome menial labors, and second, to provide a continuous source of food and drink to temples.

The composition ends by stating that this story and creation essay message presumably the importance of kingship to the maintenance of order should be preserved for future generations and pondered by creation essay who are wise and knowledgeable. It should also be used by parents and teachers to instruct so that the land may creation essay and its inhabitants prosper.

First to be created are the cities, Eridu and Babylon, and the temple Esagil is founded. Then the earth is created by heaping dirt upon a raft in the primeval waters.

Humankind, creation essay, wild animals, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the marshlands and canebrake, vegetation, creation essay domesticated animals follow.

Finally, palm groves and forests appear. Just before the composition becomes fragmentary and breaks off, Marduk is creation essay to create the city of Nippur and its temple, creation essay, the Ekur, and the city of Uruk, with its temple Eanna. This account begins after heaven creation essay separated from earth, and features of the earth such as the Tigris, Euphrates, and canals established.

At that time, the god Enlil addressed the gods asking what should next be accomplished. The answer was to create humans by killing Alla-gods and creating humans from their blood, creation essay. Spar, Ira, creation essay. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, —.

htm April Black, J. Cunningham, E. Flückiger-Hawker, E. Robson, and G. Zólyomi, trans. The Creation essay Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature.

Oxford:— Foster, Benjamin R. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature. Bethesda, Md. Jacobsen, Thorkild. The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion.

New Haven: Yale University Press, Jacobsen, Thorkild, trans. and ed. The Harps That Once. Lambert, W. Geller and Mineke Schipper, pp, creation essay. IJS Studies in Judaica Leiden: Brill, Atra-Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood. Oxford: Clarendon Press, Visiting The Met?

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History Essays Mesopotamian Creation Myths. Ira Spar Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art April Citation Spar, Ira, creation essay. htm April Further Reading Black, J.

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creation essay

1 Herman Bavinck calls the doctrine of creation “the starting point of true religion.” It thus divides the world into believers and unbelievers. See Bavinck, In the Beginning, Francis Schaeffer similarly believed that the doctrine of creation was so important for evangelism that, if he had an hour with a non-Christian, he would spend the first fifty-five minutes on the topic of creation Questions About Writing an Essay? It's so Easy! Check out our most frequently asked questions. Here's why we were voted the #1 academic service to offer college paper writing and we have helped thousands of students with custom research papers, term papers, and essays Most students have the history of struggling with mathematics assignments which make them wonder if they will ever apply the knowledge in real world life. Teachers and parents admit having been asked about the relevance of mathematics in life. Some often respond that mathematics is necessary for most of the jobs and it enhances critical thinking skills of an individual

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